Do you desire to increase your effectiveness as a leader and the level of happiness in your life? 

Do you need assistance scaling, professionalizing, and growing your business? 

I invite you to connect with me to begin a process of dramatic improvement and personal fulfillment.

  • One area of Brian's expertise is in partnering entrepreneurs with investors, which we discussed at some length. He is very knowledgeable on this topic, as well as crowd funding options. Brian is a smart, articulate, very caring person with excellent financial analysis skills and experience in helping start-up businesses position themselves for success.

    Co-owner, Certified Organic Commercial Farm

  • Brian is a collegial, focused, and high-integrity executive who cares about his employees and works hard to provide for their well-being, development, and day-to-day job satisfaction. It’s been a pleasure to work with Brian and learn from his well-rounded and deep management skills, leadership experience, and ability to hire talent and build teams.

    Human Resources Consultant

  • Brian advised me on how to develop my investors pitch presentation for our start-up company. His extremely insightful comments and effective advice are helping me take our presentation to the next level, and I highly recommend him.

    Founder, Youth-Oriented Media Company